Gold Star Families
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 83 continues to honor our Veterans and Gold Star Families by many projects, Hometown Hero Banners; Honor and Remember Flag legislation passed; Wreathes Across America
and other statewide services, Gold Star Highway dedication on busiest highway in the state of Delaware; Gold Star, Vietnam Veteran, Buffalo Soldier Motorcycle club, Iraq Soldiers, etc.,
License Plates legislation passed; Hershel "Woody" Williams Delaware Gold Star Memorial Dedication; multiple assistance to our Gold Star Families on a 24x7 basis and not limited to annual events
including our annual Ladies Victorian Tea; Memorial marker at Arlington National Cemetery for a Gold Star Mother’s son; Highway/Intersection dedication in honor and memory of one of our Gold Star Families;
Headstone adjustments for a Gold Star wife’s husband who is buried in Arlington National Cemetery;Continued health, legal and emotional support and suicide prevention and assistance.

Delaware Gold Star Families Contact Information
Delaware Gold Star Program